AV Group Bulgaria is editing a stylish and boutique Sofia city map.
The first edition of the Sofia Map was printed in September 2017 . Since then the map is published every 4 months.
Several 5 star and 4 star hotels distribute Sofia Map on their receptions.
Sofia municipality distributes Sofia Map in their tourist centers at the Sofia airport and in the city center.
The map was been given to all delegates and journalists during the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of EU in 2018.
Sofia Map is available in the larger chambers of commerce in Sofia.
Sofia Map is distributed by some embassies and the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry through which it reaches international business and smaller chambers of commerce.
Sofia Map is small, easy to use and store. It offers useful information about the sights and tourist sites in the centre of Sofia. A map of the Sofia Metro lines has also been published in Sofia Map.
Sofia Map presents the best places for shopping, relaxation and beauty. In it you will find recommendations for companies that offer transfers and car rentals. If you want to enjoy delicious food and a good drink in a comfortable atmosphere you will find it in Sofia Map. And the nightclubs offered by Sofia Map are some of the best in Europe.